The keto diet is a proven way to lose weight and reduce belly fat. But it’s rarely easy. Here are some keto supplements to accelerate your progress with the ketogenic diet.

The benefits of the keto diet are well-known to most people…
Burns belly fat1. Promotes weight loss2,3. Reduced appetite4.
Keto also makes you taller and better-looking.
(Okay, maybe not the last one…)
Which can make us feel a little impatient when starting out.
Fortunately, there are plenty of supplements for getting into ketosis faster.
In this article, we will look at the benefits and research behind the most common keto supplements.
We will also dispel some of the myths surrounding them.
Let’s jump right in.
Do You Have to Take Supplements to Get Into Ketosis?
Supplements absolutely aren’t required to get into ketosis, and you can do so with whole foods, alone.
(The answer is in the name… “supplement.” Like any dietary supplement, think of them as an assist and not a magic replacement for actually doing the diet.)
By following a diet plan high in fats and proteins and low in carbs, you should enter ketosis.
The rate at which this happens varies, depending on factors such as your metabolism, BMI, exercise routine, and more.
Fun Fact: January 5th is National Keto Day.
However, while entering a state of ketosis can be accomplished with diet alone, there are certain supplements that can aid in “filling nutritional gaps” due to this change in diet.
Ultimately, if you can use supplements to make the process easier and get results faster, it’s worth exploring!
So, which Keto supplements should you take?
It all depends on your specific goals and needs.
However, there are some supplements that just about anyone on Keto can benefit from.
Best Supplements for Rapidly Getting into Ketosis
1. MCT Oil
MCT (Medium-Chain Triglyceride) is a high-quality, fatty oil made from coconuts.
You may notice it’s an incredibly popular addition to coffee for Keto dieters, but you can add it to shakes and smoothies easily, too.
If you’re up for it, you can even take a spoonful straight.
It’s easier to digest seeing as it comes from coconuts, so no need to worry about bloating or cramps.
MCT oil can even aid in reducing the frequency and intensity of cravings, as well as amplified brain power!
On top of that, it’s been shown to help boost ketone levels and aid athletic performance.
So, you’ll be thinking less about snacking and have more energy to head to the gym, or just get on with your daily tasks.
Fun Fact: The ketogenic diet is good for your physical health as well as your brain health. One study found that dieters experienced significant cognitive improvements, including sharpened focus and improved memory4.
Perhaps you’ll be able to lift more weight, for more reps. Maybe you’ll be able to run longer or faster.
If that weren’t enough, it can also help you stay in ketosis.
Before all that, pay attention to whether or not you’re getting emulsified MCT oil.
Emulsified MCT oil is actually not as effective as regular MCT, and is often found in coffee creamers that claim to be keto-friendly.
2. Electrolytes
These are essential not only to those on Keto, but every human being.
However, those on Keto can be more susceptible to electrolyte deficiency.
This is because once you begin a low-carb diet, the body starts depleting its glycogen stores.
When this happens, our body starts losing water as it’s no longer needed for said glycogen stores.
To get rid of this water, our kidneys begin flushing it out of our systems.
You won’t just be losing water, though – electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium) are also going to be flushed out.
Related: How Much Water Should I Drink on the Keto Diet?
If this happens to the point where you’re in a deficiency, you could experience nausea, fatigue, muscle cramps, and other undesirable symptoms.
If you just increase water intake without boosting electrolytes, you could further thin out electrolyte levels in the body. By drinking electrolyte water instead of plain, ol’ water, you’re helping elevate electrolyte levels and keep you feeling good.
3. Keto Pills/Exogenous Ketones
A fantastic way to enter ketosis faster is by bringing in ketones from an external source.
If you’ve been kicked out of ketosis and are trying to get back in quickly, Keto pills are pretty nice to have around. They are also handy for keeping you in ketosis on days when your diet isn’t as dialed in as it should be.
Fun Fact: Supplementing with exogenous ketones (or the less sciencey term, keto pills) have been shown5 to increase ketones level by over 300% and reduce the amount of time it takes to get into ketosis by over half.
As they can help decrease your appetite, you won’t have as many cravings and be able to better stick to your diet. Keto pills increase ketone levels rapidly, which can help you avoid the symptoms of the keto flu, which can include nausea, intestinal irritation, and grumpiness.

Not every Keto pill is made the same, though. It’s important to select a high-quality, reputable product to actually reap these rewards.
One of my favorites, made by Wolfson Labs, is Keto Charge, which I’ve tried and recommend (full review of Keto Charge here).
4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Either fish or krill oil are excellent options for keto supplementation, as they are both rich in both EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
Both have also been shown to help lower inflammation, risk of heart disease, and help prevent mental deterioration.
Our modern-day diets are typically very rich in omega-6 fatty acids, like those found in vegetable oils and highly-processed foods.
However, omega-3s are unfortunately much less common in the average American diet.
The latter is very helpful for those following Keto and can help decrease insulin and inflammatory markers.
You can benefit from taking omega-3 supplements, or obtain them through whole foods like salmon, anchovies, sardines, and other fatty fish. If you aren’t a fish fan, you’ll probably prefer taking high-quality omega-3 supplements.

5. Vitamin D
This is yet another one that everyone can benefit from.
Vitamin D3 is produced in the skin, and production is triggered when exposed to sunlight.
D2 is closely related to the plant form. Both are important to the human body.
Vitamin D isn’t typically diminished from following a ketogenic diet, so there’s no need to worry there.
However, it is related.
See also: 9 Signs You Are in Ketosis (and How to Know It’s Working)
Vitamin D is crucial for all kinds of functions, such as the absorption of calcium.
Many people experience lower calcium intake when going Keto, from not consuming enough calcium-rich foods.
Not only that, but it helps create and maintain a healthy immune system, regulate cellular growth, and lower inflammation.
See also: How Do Vitamins Affect Keto? (And Will Vitamins Boot Me out of Ketosis?)
It’s a good idea to first check your vitamin D levels with your doctor to make sure this is something you could benefit from.
6. Folate Supplements
Folate is one of the very important B vitamins, and is necessary for proper DNA synthesis.
If you have a folate deficiency, you could experience cognitive issues, fatigue, increased risk of heart disease, and more.
Related: 5 Best Ketone Test Strips (and Alternatives)
You’ll find folate in leafy greens and complex carbs, but it can be more challenging when you’re reducing the latter significantly in your diet.
It’s also important that you have good vitamin B6 levels, as B6 and folate can deplete one another. The good thing is that B6 is found in pork, beef, and eggs, which many people on Keto consume.
7. Digestive Enzymes
If you’re experiencing Keto Flu, you could be having digestive issues.
This is not a surprise when you consider the high fat content of Keto, combined with the lowered carbohydrate intake.
Carbs often contain a good amount of our daily fiber, so it’s necessary to replace them with foods like spinach.
If you’re experiencing symptoms like nausea and bloating, a digestive enzyme blend can help lessen them.
Proteolytic enzymes help break down and digest protein, which can help with stomach issues as well as post-workout soreness.
Win, win!
Keto Supplements – FAQs
Do keto supplements work if you aren’t doing the keto diet?
Long story short, no.
If you’re not already on the Keto diet, do yourself a favor and don’t spend your money on supplements that aren’t going to help you with weight loss.
For example, Keto pills could help increase ketone levels in your system, but if you’re still consuming carbs your body is going to continue to use glucose for energy rather than fats.
While keto supplements can help those on a low-carb diet go into and maintain ketosis, there are no magic pills that can counteract the carbohydrates and glycogen in your body.
Worse, eating a high-fat diet in conjunction with not reducing carbohydrate intake will double up weight gain.
In order to see real weight loss from keto, start with making the proper dietary changes regarding your reduction of carb intake and then implementing supplements to speed up your progress.
Can you drink ketones to get into keto faster?
Yes, you can!
For example, taking exogenous ketones can help you enter ketosis notably fast.
You can realistically expect to enter ketosis within 2 to 7 days, depending on your age, metabolism, and other factors.
However, you can help speed up entering ketosis by fasting and exercising regularly.
Both fasting and working out help more quickly deplete glycogen stores.
For most people, Keto pills are often preferable to drinking ketone salts.
One of the main reasons is that they don’t taste bad and many salts are simply not high-quality.
The Bottom Line
If you’re looking for a way to get back into ketosis faster, or enter it for the first time, you can rely on these supplements to help you.
Each one serves their own purpose, but they’re supplements that just about everyone can benefit from.
Of course, it’s always a good idea to ask your physician if you have any questions.
After all, these supplements can make a huge difference in staying in ketosis and your results.
More Keto Guides and Resources
Keto Custom Diet – An Athlete’s Full Review. Looking for a custom keto meal plan unique to you? Keto Custom Plan, a digital keto meal planner, is an excellent and easy-to-use option.
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