For the frequent flier and traveler, working out can be challenging. Separated from your usual workout routine and home gym, it’s easy to see our hard work slip away.
Whether you are on vacation, hitting the road for work, or simply crashing at a friend’s place for the weekend, here are my five favorite pieces of portable exercise equipment.

MH Zone Resistance Band Set
Resistance bands are the next best thing when you don’t have access to your usual assortment of kettlebells, weights, and cardio equipment.
The MH Zone Resistance Band Set comes with a sturdy door anchor, which means that you can lash ‘em up anywhere there is a door. The kit comes with two types of resistance bands.
See also: 5 Best Resistance Bands for Pull-Up Assists
The first is for your more classic strength training exercises, with five different bands, made of highly durable latex, each four feet in length that vary in resistance, with the black bands being the most difficult (providing 30 pounds of resistance).
The other set of bands is the closed loop resistance bands that have become so popular in gyms for high-rep glute and activation exercises. (I swear by mine—every workout I use one to get my shoulders and glutes activated before lifting.)
For the stronger athlete/gymgoer, bands can be combined to create the equivalent resistance of 100 pounds. For the person who decides to add this to their home workout gym essentials, there are storage/carry bags with the kit.

HyperGo Full Body Wipes
I will fully admit, I am a sweaty mess most of the time. Of course, I take it to another level when I am at the gym. (Yup, I am that guy.) I pack a medium sized Gatorade sweat-towel to the gym and still find myself having to mop up after myself and empty a gym bag full of sopping workout gear at the end of the day.
Of course, my predilection for sweating isn’t limited to the gym—long flights, long drives, long days, I will sweat noticeably during these too.
Which is why the HyperGo Full Body Wipes are such a friggin’ life-saver.
While they don’t stop the sweating, they provide an alternative to having to shower every couple hours or after a heavy workout when you have to go straight to work or an appointment.
These wipes, at 12” by 12” are made of all-natural ingredients, including Vitamin E, aloe, and oatmeal, and are free of alcohol. They are unscented and come in packs of 10, 20, or 60.
Although I originally picked them up for a quick “shower” after working out at lunchtime, they have become an essential part of my travel kit as well.
Whether you want to freshen up in the middle of a long flight or wipe yourself down after a workout, the HyperGo Full Body Wipes kick all the butts.

Jumping Rope
In terms of portability and effectiveness, a basic, old-school jump rope is almost impossible to beat. They are exceedingly light, easy to stow, and all you need is a few square feet and height clearance to get a killer cardio workout. (One study showed that ten minutes of skipping equated to 30 minutes of jogging.)
The WODNation Jump Rope is a lightweight rope made with a sturdy, steel cable. With a patented 4-bearing system the rope flies and doesn’t tangle. Ideal for those getting started with jumping rope as well as seasoned athletes.
The WODNation Jump Rope is available in a bunch of different colors, is adjustable (spare cable included, too), and starts at a 10-foot length.

Lacrosse Ball
Why is a lacrosse ball on this list? Because it is a killer self-massage tool that frequently gets overlooked for the more typical self-massage tools like foam rollers and muscle roller sticks.
I have long kept a lacrosse ball in my truck to work out my traps, neck, and pecs while driving. During long flights I will bust it out and work out my hip flexors, quads, and even my IT band. And when I get to my hotel room, I will pin the lacrosse ball up against a wall and work out my glutes, deltoids, and lower back.
While I love my foam rollers and muscle rollers, the lacrosse ball is far more versatile, is cheaper, and as it pertains to those who travel frequently and want to maintain mobility and fitness, is portable, light, and leaves a tiny footprint in your baggage.

TRX All-in-One Suspension Training Kit
TRX suspension straps have popped up in gyms all across the country, and with good reason: they provide a variable and effective workout. You can target all your muscle groups in a variety of exercises. Those TRX straps are a powerful way to get a killer workout on the road too.
The TRX suspension kit is a little heavier than the other items on this list, but makes up for it with its versatility and thoroughness. The straps can be anchored to doorways, rafters, or if you want to take your workout outdoors while on the road, poles/posts/trees/playgrounds.
If you are looking for even more workout suggestions, the premium TRX workout app (you get six-months free when you buy the kit) has over 1,100 workouts available to keep you engaged and motivated.

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